Jenisse Photography - Utah County Family and Wedding Photographer

Currently out of the country until 2/18. My husband will be doing his best to answer emails!

Lehi Utah Photographer
Spring Extended Family Pictures

Lehi Utah Extended Family Photography

Extended family photography sessions come with at least one whole group shot, grandchildren, grandchildren and grandparents, siblings, and we spend about 5-10 minutes with each individual family to get at least 3 poses, their children together, and parents together.

Lehi, Utah Photographer in Spring

This location is found in Lehi, Utah and is so perfect for Extended family photography. It is easy to get to, right below a park. You will have to walk down a little dirt path but nothing too steep, although I would consider this too steep for anyone who isn't sturdy on their feet. There is a big field with lots of sage colored brush and trees. There is also a golden or green (depending on the time of year) field with the prettiest lighting. These were taken in May, so the grass was tall and green.

Orem Utah Photographer - Extended Family Pictures
Orem Utah Photographer - Extended Family Pictures

To see more pictures taken in this location, click here.

Book your Lehi extended family photographer today by filling out my online form here: Contact me!