Jenisse Photography - Utah County Family and Wedding Photographer

Currently out of the country until 2/18. My husband will be doing his best to answer emails!

Wedding Reception Photographer
Millennial Falls Draper

Ana + Nicolae were married at the Millennial Falls Wedding Venue in Draper, UT. This venue was so gorgeous! I loved the tall white ceilings (which help with lighting during wedding receptions!) and the beautiful gardens. There was a huge waterfall right behind the outdoor area for wedding ceremonies. I love their gardens too, they were so beautiful!

Ana + Nicolae had a lot of fun wedding traditions like the Russian Bread Tradition, La Vibora De La Mar, and tons of dancing! I love when Wedding Receptions have tons of fun things happening.

Utah Wedding Reception Photographer in Utah Millennial Falls Draper
Utah Wedding Reception Photographer in Utah Millennial Falls Draper

To see more from this wedding:
Getting Ready Photos
Wedding Ceremony Photos

Book your Wedding photographer today by filling out my online form here: Contact me!