Jenisse Photography - Utah County Family and Wedding Photographer

Tips for your in-home newborn session
Utah Newborn Photographer

Here are some helpful tips when preparing for your in-home lifestyle newborn photography session.

1. Baby should be fed right before the session starts and fully burped, so that she will be as comfortable as possible during the shoot.
2. Declutter the areas you want to take pictures in.
3. Gently wipe away any eye boogers or flaky skin with a wet, warm washcloth.
4. Only choose 2-3 areas for pictures. The best places are typically your bedroom, nursery and livingroom. You don't need to limit it to that though, I've also done them in the hallway, kitchen, front porch, and kids bedrooms!
Check out all my newborn tips on my newborn page here.

Tips for your in home lifestyle newborn photography session

Click here to see more pictures taken in people's homes.

Book your newborn family session today by filling out my online form here: Contact me!